Administration of APD
The Alexandria Police Department’s Administration is responsible for providing effective and efficient police services to the visitors and residents of the City of Alexandria.
The Administrative Division of the Police Department includes the Chief of Police, Assistant Chief of Police, Public Information Officer, Intelligence Division, and Internal Affairs.
Also here you can find a timeline of Alexandria Police Department’s rich history, and a tribute to our fallen officers.

Building History
In 1970, the entire Alexandria Police Department was housed on the first floor of 515 Washington Street, with the city jail occupying the second floor.
With an ever-increasing work load and specialization of services there became a need for more space.
The building at Sixth and Washington was purchased by the City. In addition, the City rented the old recruiting station at Sixth and Johnston to house the Criminal Investigative Bureau.
In January 1996, a tax election was held asking the people to authorize the selling of bonds for 8 million dollars to be repaid over at 20-year period by the collection of ad valorem taxes. The voters passed the millage. The site selected was the old Sears Building at Bolton and Albert Street. The building is poured in place concrete construction, and has 50 thousand square feet of space on a 4-acre lot. It has ample parking space and is located on the main artery of Bolton Avenue, near Jackson street with quick and easy access to I-49.
A commitment was made to the neighborhood that the location would be made as compatible as possible to the neighborhood.
Delores Brewer was named Project Director for the project. The firm of Barron, Heinberg and Brocato began to study for programming of the planned construction and needs assessment, based on current use and planned growth of Police and Fire Department. Jack Randle was the architect for the project.
Other members of Building committee included Chief Paul Smith of the Fire Department and Assistant Chief Gary Moore of the Police Department, along with Millie Ezernack of Alexandria City Court and Alexandria City Marshal James Byrd.
Bids were opened in April 1998, with the firm of Skip Converse winning with base bid of $4,479,000.00.
The groundbreaking was held on June 12 1998. Actual construction began on June 18, 1998, with substantial completion set for May 1999. The Alexandria Police Department and the Alexandria Fire Department’s Administrative Bureau moved into the Facility on May 23, 1999.
The Building and Maintenance Division is responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the City of Alexandria’s Public Safety Complex, which is located at 1000 Bolton Avenue. With the ever-changing needs of our Public Safety Departments, this role becomes more demanding on a daily basis.